Working with people outside the network
Working with people outside the network There is no such thing as a perfect network. However, for independent freight companies these days networks are the best way to have agencies all over the world. We...

At networking events keep your focus on relationships, not sales!
At networking events keep your focus on relationships, not sales! One thing I would like for our partner members to work on is that I don’t think they should try to close sales right there...

Daily small steps will amount to giant leaps
Daily small steps will amount to giant leaps Logistics company owners come from different backgrounds. Though I have no numbers to prove it I would dare venture that the majority came from sales followed by...

Joint Sales Calls: Hitting your competition where they aren’t
Joint Sales Calls: Hitting your competition where they aren’t If you are going on an agency trip I’d recommend going short on the ‘agency’ part of the trip. Work harder, dig into your files and...

Keep Learning: Build Your Name as the Person Who Knows
There is almost always something good to be said about the person who worked his or her way up. Starting from nothing and learning a business and eventually becoming somewhat of an expert in their...

Beefing yourself up: One way networking helps you that you wouldn’t think of
Most of the people I know of think of business-to-business networking as a function of either sales or marketing or both. But there are other ways that this form of networking can be extremely beneficial...

Look at networking as a long haul and you’ll be alright
Look at networking as a long haul and you’ll be alright One of the hardest things for me to understand about the expectations of networkers is the impatience many have. And it isn’t only in...

Want to kick start your business relationship building? Here’s a very good tip!
Want to kick start your business relationship building? Here’s a very good tip! Many partner members find other group members who they would like to develop business today but cannot find the opening. You can’t...

Staying on track in 2015: Make these your goals
Staying on track in 2015: Make these your goals I know that it is the second part of January already and that the year is well underway. But I think that it is still early...