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Representaciones Marítimas S.A. de C.V. in Mexico joins XLP!

2 min read

We are happy to introduce our latest XLProjects (XLP) member office in Mexico:

Representaciones Marítimas S.A. de C.V. 
Frontera 67, Col. Tizapan San Angel Deleg.
Alvaro Obregón 01090, México, D.F.

Tel : +525 55 50892261
Fax : +525 55 50892222

Contact : Alejandro Pla, Commercial Manager

Website : https://xlprojects.net/representaciones-maritimas-s-a-de-c-v/

Representaciones Marítimas, S.A. de C.V., was founded on April 22nd, 1950 by Don Ricardo Eversbusch Vollmann, a Mexican born in the port of Veracruz, on November 8th, 1908. Once having finished his formal education, he obtained extensive shipping experience in New York and in German ports, as a professional ship agent and terminal and stevedore operator, activities he worked at, for a time with the earlier agency, Agencia Comercial y Marítima, Heynen & Eversbusch. Don Ricardo´s consistency, discipline, vision, working capacity, leadership and human quality where virtues elemental for the development and growth of Representaciones Marítimas, S.A. de C.V., company that in its more than 50 years of entrepreneurial existence, has successfully lived through unsurmounted transitions, result of the accelerated evolution in the maritime industry, technological advances in the field of computer and electronic data transmissions, in communications and generally speaking in the cargo logistics, in foreign trade.

In the 1960s, a third generation joined the management of the company, Ricardo and Alexander Eversbusch Grauert, sons of the founder. Both previously received extensive training and experience in the field of maritime shipping and thereto related activities. The company is presided since mid 1980s by Ricardo Eversbusch Grauert, whilst Alejandro Eversbusch Grauert is dedicated to the Directorship of Liner Services.

The development of new service products related to foreign trade of goods, knowledge of service requirements of each customer, seeking and obtaining new liner ship agency representations, diversification in general, jointly managed with an efficient cost control system has been and is our strategy to maintain Representaciones Maritimas, S.A. de C.V. as a leading company in the field of transportation, port, terminal, stevedoring, project and cargo logistics, activities that in recent years now fall under the responsibility and direction of the fourth generation, that of Ricardo and Cristian Eversbusch Amtmann, both majors in Business Administration and with professional experience in the field of shipping, also obtained abroad.

We welcome Maritimex to the XLP team!

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