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R.H. Shipping & Chartering Oversees Manzanillo III CCC Project Logistics

2 min read

R.H. Shipping & Chartering is responsible for the logistics of the Manzanillo III Combined Cycle Plant (CCC) project; Their team received the first Steam Turbine component 8.83 m x 4.26 m x 4.20 m with a weight of 201.11 Tons.

The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) has confirmed the Manzanillo III Combined Cycle Plant (CCC) project, which will have a capacity of 357.41 megawatts (MW) and will become the second largest in the country by its capacity.

The Manzanillo III CCC will be located within the Manzanillo Thermoelectric Complex (CTM) property that houses the Thermoelectric Power Plant (CT) and the General Manuel Álvarez Moreno Combined Cycle Power Plant, with which it will share existing infrastructure.

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/reyna-margarita-plascencia-jim%C3%A9nez-690668a9_rh-shipping-chartering-responsable-de-activity-7108135099426119680-l5Ys?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

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